A board portal, also known as a Governance software solution, provides an encrypted digital environment for directors and administrators to collaborate on confidential documents, meetings, and information. The best portals allow board members to easily prepare for board meetings and take part, while also managing ongoing work between meetings. Apart from facilitating meeting preparation, modern portals allow simple collaboration between board members and committees as well as important stakeholders and external partners.
It is essential that board management software be user-friendly and simple to use. Ask the vendor about their product user experience and if they have videos or other resources to help members navigate the new platform. It is also worth looking into how it’s easy for directors to get started on their first meeting and how the platform will automatically integrate with their calendars.
Modern board portals have been designed to be as productive and efficient as the boards they serve. They increase participation and efficiency of members by providing features such as task management, which makes it easier for members to keep track of their responsibilities between meetings. Modern portals also have electronic signatures and voting to accept documents quickly and securely. They also make it simple to edit and create agenda items, meeting minutes, and documents.
The most recent version of board portals allow directors and administrators to work in the cloud. This makes it possible for a CFO in Chicago to update the Board Book with an IT manager from Washington DC. This helps maximize the efficiency of the board’s meeting and ensures all relevant members have access to the most recent information.