Casted blood, dark corridors, terrible laryngeal sounds and puzzles – all this in equal proportions is available in Hellraid: The Escape. The game is not that terrible, but a certain feeling of hopelessness can convey. It is literally dotted with ubiquitous riddles, the solution of which is based on knowledge of the elementary laws of physics, as well as the dexterity and attentiveness of the user. However, there will be no special talents, and the number of attempts is not limited.
Hellraid: The Escape – Game about the escape. Search for a way out, move from level to level in search of tips and answers to questions will have to all the allotted time. The protagonist, who rebelled from the grave of the prisoner, spends time in the dark corridors, being completely alone. In fact, he still has to avoid unpleasant and very short communication with local necromancers. They do not pursue a prisoner, but society does not accept him.
Puzzle in Hellraid Full. Some of them are based on the search for objects (keys, gold jewelry, figures) with their subsequent use in the right place. Others check the player’s memory and the ability to draw the trajectories in space. There is another category of tasks, for the implementation of
which you only need to be in the widespread with the gyroscope of the device and an innate sense of balance. It is very pleasant that the developers skillfully alternate types of tasks, thereby without reducing the user involvement in the gameplay.
For especially indecisive and inattentive, a multi -level system of tips is provided. First, the virtual assistant will wait a couple of minutes and make sure that the process of passage has stalled. Then the player will be provided to study the phrase, only indirectly hinting at the possible way of solving puzzles. If general phrases do not help, then the tint system will begin to launch more specific. The latter will be in essence a direct pointer, following which will lead to the desired result.
The plot here is submitted through boring notes that are found on all locations in sufficient quantities. The Russian -speaking player will have to be tight – official localization for the game does not exist at the moment. Get ready, a lot of text on scattered shreds is left.
The main reason for sympathy for Hellraid – convincing atmosphere of hopelessness. Oddly enough, „respond“ acquires particular importance here. No matter how often the prisoner tried to commit suicide, no matter how much he hurts himself, the result is always the only one: a tomb, lifting and contemplation of the body, which took a blow at the time of the onset of another death.
Hellraid puzzles: The Escape are quite diverse, using the capabilities of the device to the maximum.
Hellraid: The Escape It does not scare at all. She immerses in the atmosphere, makes you think and to some extent worry about the main character. Not bad for the puzzle from the first person, but not enough for an excellent game without disadvantages.
Pros: well -built atmosphere of hopelessness;interesting puzzles;high -quality sound.
Cons: The plot is served disgusting.