“For the past fifteen years, I literally raved Russia,” Frederick Kuaso admitted to us, a game designer and leader of a small studio The Cartel , which nests near the Eiffel Tower. Fred Derf (Kuasas prefers to turn to him that way) and three of his like -minded people have been working on a game about a distant, unwashed and criminal Russia of the era of perestroika for a year now. Do not be surprised: it so happened that the French since ancient times are distinguished by an increased interest in our country and everything Russian ..
I would only learn Russian because Lenin was talking to them
[[Bullet]] Frederick Kuaso, he is Fred Derf, aka Seryoga, he is the head of The Cartel. A multifaceted personality. And Monsieur also speaks a little in Russian. I mean, he really says, and not "with an accent".
In the dashing nineties Fred Derfu had a chance to visit Kashira near Moscow on student exchange. Impressions of the young European then gathered with more than. He says that he was sheltered by a very poor family who lived in the conditions of monstrous unsanitary conditions: for example, one of the instructions for survival in their apartment was a ban on drinking water from the crane in order to avoid diphtheria. The classmate Fred was more fortunate – he was settled in the chic apartments of the local gate. In a word, the future developer in his own skin felt what social inequality is, and – the paradox – was even more imbued with Russia.
“After this trip, I created a detector group with university friends Tetchiot Krov , – continues the touching story by the derf. – Everyone in the group took Russian pseudonyms for themselves. For example, my name was Sergey. We spoke French with deliberately Russian accent and from time to time we indulged in the cocktail "Red October".
Later, Frederick admitted that the group still had https://sister-site.org/playhub-casino/ to rename. The fact that the musicians perceived in the meaning of the "bloody rain", in some Russian emigrant caused unappetizing associations with a natural female cycle, and he was not slow to inform the guys about this. They then terribly upset.
► Fashion for pixel art does not fade away-but here it is more than ever "to the cashier". And the Unity engine is used as a technological basis.
After the vital stories heard more or less, it falls into place. And pixel Beat’em Up about Russian bandits, with a pretentious name "Mother Russia is bleeding" , ceases to seem out of the ordinary.
Alternative eighties
“Our goal is not a challenge to society. But we create an impressive atmosphere of darkness, vice and decay, ”the authors joyfully declare. In order to at least a little distance from reality and do not offend anyone, the developers came up with alternative perestroika eighties with the color of the criminal nineties. The plot repeatedly corresponded, but one thing remained unchanged in it-the union is nevertheless doomed. Thugs are refueling on the streets, “underground communities” are formed, which constantly share something (the Frenchmen simply did not hear the term “brigades”). When asked if we will see the alternative Gorbachev, the authors, instead of an answer, smile slyly and lead the conversation aside.
► Pay attention to the sign over the wardrobe-for some reason it is called "dressing". By the way, an expressive young man who finishes the guard with a fire extinguisher also deserves attention.
We play for one of the members of the criminal group. To date, the developers have three images: an uncompromising boxer Sergey, a cool healthy man Ivan with scars throughout the body (traces of long-standing street showdowns) and Natasha-Zorvilova. There will be someone fourth-the authors leaf through booklets with Russian names. So far, the characters differ only externally, but the developers still plan to endow everyone with their own skills.
This is a showdown. St. Petersburg
Mother Russia Bleeds performs in the classic genre of “Nabei all the face” and twists the level of cruelty to the stop. Developers admit love to Streets of Rage And Final Fight , Therefore, do not wait for any automatic combinations and refined role -playing pumping. Extremely important is your own skill of knocking out taps on the keyboard. We are promised gameplay even more dynamic and bloody than in old games – the icons of the Beat’em Up genre. The only relief is the ability to change the power of the blow. “Playing MRB, you should feel that you are fought,” the derf explains.
► under the high, Sergey is doubly dangerous, but the use of any muck leads to death.
Sometimes it is enough to apply a villain on the head once, but you can fog him so that his mother does not recognize – and all thanks to personal dexterity. It is only necessary to ensure that the mount or bottle (firearms are not planned) do not crack in the hands at the most crucial moment. Pour the enemy "rose" is also allowed, but it is better to use the destroyed environment. You can break the poor fellow back on the fence or, in the best traditions of the mafia, cripple on the bar counter of the night club. Yes, not simple, where boys get acquainted with the girls – it would be too predictable ..
There is no sex in the USSR?
Sometimes there is a feeling that the French spit on all taboos in modern video games. “If you have been distinguished, we need to go to the end,” they decided and sent their anti-heroes to get a dose to the underground BDSM club for transsexuals. Derf hopes to prove to the whole world that in the Soviet Union they heard not only the edge of his ear about sex, but also desperately practiced: “We decided to show a bit of strawberries. But not too much, otherwise it will be funny ".
► Ordinary brawl in the Trans Club. Nothing unusual.
What are the iconic places of the perestroika era to visit us while the secret. The authors do not even reveal the name of the city where the bloody meat grinder occurs. Will we get to give someone to the cuffs right on Red Square or drown in the Neva is not clear. But, most likely, the developers will not swing to reality, and a potassium from architectural cliches awaits us. As well as many fences, garages, gate, rickety huts and industrial zones.
* * *
“And we also really like the work of your rapper Seryozha Local, although we don’t understand what he is reading about,” the designer of the game admits.
The CARTEL draws an outrageous and absolutely unprincipled “cranberry” to the delight of Russian officials. The developers are afraid that their game will be banned from us – and most likely it will happen if Mother Russia Bleeds will go to the masses. Even despite her obvious parody entity. Few are capable of digesting such a thick irony.
However, the release is still very far away, and the money for the further development of a tiny team of enthusiasts to take nowhere. Soon the team plans to go to Kickstarter. Let's see what comes of it.
Success factors
Risk factors
- a disregard for the taboo;
- powerful stylistics;
- tooth -cutting contractions on fists and everything that turns up by the arm;
- The most fierce "cranberry", which is not anywhere else.
- a disregard for the taboo;
- Again retro-picture-"not for everyone".
Readiness percentage: 40%
We will wait?
Bloody Beat’em Up old hardening about Soviet lads-with street gop-stop, drugs and prostitution. It is impossible not to wait! The main thing is that domestic lawmakers do not hear about the game – in this case they may refuse a sense of humor.
Waiting rating: 75%