How „gambling“ is created. Look from the inside

How "gambling" is created. Look from the inside

The most frequent question that you, dear readers, ask us in letters, blogs, social networks, via Skype or ICQ, sounds something like this – as “gambling” is created? In the distant December release of Gamery for 2005, we have already published a similar article. And although the general principle of work since then (and how much time has passed!) I have not changed, but there are a lot of have accumulated little things, funny stories and incidents that I want to talk about. Therefore, this time we will not limit ourselves and you only by listing technical points, but take a look at the creation of "gambling" as a whole.

Each issue of the magazine is created in four weeks, for which the life of our team is divided. Editors or authors can forget what number today, but they will never forget what a week of work on the number is now. Let's start in order.

First week – low start

At the beginning of the first week, the editorial office relaxes. After the shock delivery of the previous number, everyone is trying to sleep off, get together with their thoughts and imagine how the next issue will look like. There are already some achievements, topics for materials are usually born in advance, and some of the most complex articles begin to be written two to three months before the publication.

On Tuesday, and the most lazy editors on Wednesday depart from the recent Avrala and send to the chief editor the plans of their headings. These are exel tables, where the names of articles are spelled out, their approximate volume, the author and deadline for delivery are indicated. Glavred collects these signs together, formates, combs, corrects errors, clarifies the details of the editors – the work plan of the number is born. This is the most important file for the whole editor. It is on it that the work schedule is built, from it, designers find out that the articles are ready and they can be closed, important work notes are made here, from the plan the editor-in-chief understands that someone is late and it is time to activate punitive mechanisms. It is according to the plan that you can predict in advance at what stages of work there will be problems, and lay straws in time. At one time, we have tried many different systems for maintaining a number plan-from specialized online services to 1C, but in the end we agreed that nothing is easier and more convenient than an ordinary Exel file.

[[Bullet]] editorial oral. Used to restore order and for emergency communications during the days of delivery of the number. The editorial guests love to press the buttons on the oral, usually they press the wrong and as a reward they get a terrifyingly loud “Ole, Ole-Ole-Ole!»In the ears.

Around the same time-on Wednesday-Fourth of the first week-the first materials begin to arrive. The editor of the Iron Workshop wakes up before Dima Kolganov. The hotline comes from him and several pages from the “iron novelties”, sometimes Dima manages to pass a couple of tests (if he managed to get some important glands a week or two ago). Game "fever" comes. On Friday, Ilya Yanovich's eyes stirring-by this time he had already been firmly corresponded or talked on the phone with one of the well-known developers, and the “rules of the game” arrive from him.

In general, the first week takes place under the auspices of discussions, reflection, planning and starting articles into work. Gevorg Akopyan, the editor of the review of reviews, for example, in the first week there may not be articles at all, because all releases were passed and reconciled in the last issue. Therefore, in the first five working days, Gevorg calls up with publishers, agrees to issue us press versions of the games, and if the game is not ready to give in his hands, then when you can come to the company and play there.

Second week – acceleration

In the second week, all the time will be included in the work. Linar Fetkulov, editor of the heading "Development", sends the first previews written after tight communication with the developers. The main feature of the preview is that even when the material is already completely ready and reversed, there is no guarantee that at the last moment it does not have to add something to it. Developers can easily recall something important and send a couple or two (although there are ten and twenty) comments. At these moments, designers are ready to incinerate editors, because making editing into an already finished article is not an easy task. The columns of the text are moving away, screenshots cease to fit, beautiful design elements do not look like it was planned. In general, any intervention in the text after it has acquired a magazine form to you (this happens in the Quarkxpress program) is a headache for the designer. And our head workers of a virtual hand often hurt.

[[Bullet]] Editorial Muscot – Headkrab Abdullagon.

In the second week, a lot of iron tests are presented, finally, only the most difficult remains – comparative tests and sections that need to be done at the very last moment so that the information is not outdated: for example, a “reasonable computer”.

Towards the end of the working five -day, the most often ends a complex tactical battle to knock out prizes from iron companies for the “brainstorming”. At first, everyone does not strive to give the most expensive prize, while they want the company's name to stand in the journal with arshin letters and literally shine through the cover. The prizes ultimately demand a better and delicately explain that any gratitude should know the measure (a small inscription “Prize provided by the company” is quite enough ”). Almost everyone agrees with this.

In the second week, some games are already coming out, and for some kind of press codes appear, so many authors slowly play, but already look at the clock, because the time is not far off when the releases will step on each other's tail. In parallel, there is a tight coordination of working with the site. Publishers are not as organized as it is customary to think about them. Almost everyone knows that the author’s composition of the magazine and the site varies, everyone knows that the keys for games must be sent separately for the print and separately for online, but they constantly confuse and forget something. As a result, it sometimes turns out that five keys were sent to the magazine with the words that it was all strictly for paper “gambling”, and nothing was sent to the site. And then it turns out that in fact it was both for the magazine and for the site, just someone confused something somewhere.

[[Bullet]] “Handbook of the publisher and author” Milchin and Cheltsova. Handbook of editors "Gambling".

It is even more fun when shortly before the release of the game comes a press version, according to which-about horror! – You can write reviews only to the paper version of the publication. Under fear of the death penalty and public flogging, we are obliged to observe this condition. And often on the same day or very soon another press version comes to the site, about which it is said that it can only be written on it online, and in the magazine-no-no. The focus is that no matter how many times we compared these two versions, no matter how much crawled with a magnifier, no matter how much we arranged synchronous rays – so it does not matter. Which is generally logical, because the press version is not much different from the release.

At the end of the second week, stickers are handed over to the printing house, which are printed in advance, and then packaged with the packaging of the rooms. But posters go to print with the magazine.

Third week – borrowed a bit

In the third week, in each editor, a small usen bolt with a jet drive wakes up – materials come with a phenomenal speed, just have time to check. In this fever, it is important for everyone to get together as much as possible and not make misfires. Because in such a dense stream to look through some actual mistake in the article is very simple.

It may seem from the outside that if two weeks have passed, then half of the magazine should be ready by the beginning of the third. In practice, this if it happens, then only on the "quiet" summer issues. Too many hot and relevant, you need to have time to place in every "gambling", so most of the materials are given closer to the end of work on the number.

[[Bullet]] editorial reactive system of Bill Gates.

In the third week, the most trips to the offices of publishers and developers. Often Western studios send press versions of games preparing for the exit to domestic publishers, but no one gives these games in their hands. Therefore, the author and the editor agree in advance when we come to play, and on the appointed number they are drunk into a special room of the publisher to spend a day there, and sometimes two, three or even four alone with the game.

On Thursday or Friday, the chief editor determines which games will stand on the posters, and begins to bombard developers with requests to send an art large. To print the A2 format poster, you need a file with a resolution of 4843×6969 (if the file is smaller, then you have to stretch the image – accordingly, the quality worsens). On the Internet, even on special sites, it is difficult to find this, you have to request directly.

[[Bullet]] Head of the design and layout department Mikhail Karasev at the workplace. Discontent on the face is easily explainable – the materials are late.

Articles meanwhile go on an endless stream. Most of the time of the main and producing editors goes to work with the texts. But at this moment, you still need to have time to play in the output projects, communicate with the developers, answer hundreds of letters a day and do not forget to follow all the game trends, so as not to miss the important and in time to launch the material on the most hot in time.

Fourth week – with foam at the mouth

The survival race begins. Sprint. In the fourth week, with the speed of sound, something with which they did not have time to get into the previous three. For example, the most important games came out at the end of the room. After all, they need to go through, write articles, sometimes contact the developers and take a small interview from them for a look. If there are many such materials, the number is rented out in the mode of ongoing emergency. Layout and editors do not sleep at night, take work at the house, constantly call each other and decide how to get out of this situation. Real working hell.

[[Bullet]] One of the disk collars in the bowels of the editorial office. If you rummage carefully, you can find real rarities.

The fourth week is also the time of verification of all reversed materials. Editors are loaded to their computers PDF version of articles and begin to drill them with penetrating glances. Find mistakes, write complicated comments on what and how to correct, and send these evil Pasquili to the release editor of “gambling” hope. Nadia prints ready -made articles on a color printer, overlaps them from all sides, so that only the nose sticks out, and marks all the errors found by the editors right on the paper. At the same time finds dozens of others, marks them, and sends the editors virtual rays of happiness and wishes to be careful. The editors urgently grow their mustache and shake on them everything said to the producing one, but the next time they do not notice part of the mistakes again.

When a sufficient amount of materials is reviewed, Nadia goes to the designers' office, tears them off from work, but achieves her own – brings all the edits to the materials. Designers at this moment pronounce many different words, some of which quite accurately describe what they think about what is happening and why they do not need to be disturbed in the last week. The difficulty with the edits lies in the fact that while only errors are corrected, new ones inevitably arise. Therefore, we check the articles the maximum number of times, and each text is watching several people. But even this does not guarantee that the blunders will not leak into the room – there were duplicate screenshots, and repeated paragraphs of the text, and incorrectly arranged illustrations in the history of “gambling”.

[Bullet]] Prizes are usually stored in Glavredskaya, from where the deputy chief editor is slowly handing them to the winners of the competitions.

On the eve of the surrender, the chief editor is planted for several hours for the number plan and leads it to the final form. Finally determines the order of articles in the journal, puts (right in the plan) of the pages numbers, monitors so that all the materials are correctly pretended, arranges advertising.

Advertising is generally a separate song. You probably noticed that advertising layouts are always placed on a magazine turn on the right. Why exactly? At one time, several Western agencies conducted a study in the field of advertising perception of the target audience, the results were published and melted for quotes by agencies. There were many smart words – in particular, it was argued that the reader's gaze slides from left to right and a little from the bottom up, which means that all the advertisement, in theory, is profitable to put it on the right (and the composition is shifting higher). After that, there were many other studies proving that all this is a complete nonsense where the advertisement is located – it does not matter, but it is only important that it is depicted and written. But the antediluvian standard “Advertising on the right” has so settled in the heads of advertisers that they are not able to abandon it. Someone's reckless conclusion has become a tradition.

Now imagine that the number is assembled, the pages are numbered, and then the advertising manager with round eyes is running and joyfully reports that another advertising layout came to the room and it is necessary to put it. What does it mean? Firstly, the entire numbering goes to the cat under the tail. Secondly, from some material we must urgently delete one page-we say “make an offender out of the City City” (in order for the advertising to stand on the right, the number of pages in the article must be odd). In a normal situation, when advertising is known at least a week before delivery, designers do everything in advance so that the layout stands normally at the end of the article. What to do when being late? We have to get out. Of course, nobody will throw out important information from the magazine for the sake of advertising. You have to reduce articles, remove something from the hazelnels, then again collect everything and re-finalize the plan.

But everything is ready, the plan is set in the plan, all the articles are spaced and checked. After that, the producing and editor-in-chief was the last time watching PDF files, and Mikhail Karasev, the head of the layout and design department, fills the entire number on the printing server, from where it will be taken away and sent to the printing press in a few hours. Tired, but terribly satisfied everyone diverge home to just in a few days to start working on the next release of Gamery.

Cover from nesting dolls

How the magazine is born and evolves, we figured out. Now let's dwell on the most interesting points in a little more detail. For many, a secret, covered with darkness, and an eternal mystery is the principle by which we choose a cover for "gambling". After the release of any number, several dozen letters of approximately the same content come: “How could you, how you dared to put an abomination game on the cover, when there is a magnificent game b in nature”. About the same number of people, on the contrary, thanks that they set up a, but b, C and D did not receive "great honor". We reveal the great secret of the penetration of games on the cover (on the jargon of the cover of magazines it is customary to call this that) "gambling". And let's start with a small historical reference.

[[Bullet]] Colleagues of the editorial mascot, Headcrab Abdulladjon, living below.

Once upon a time, when computer magazines were small, and the game industry blessedly sucked a nipple in a cozy cradle, only preparing to compete in income with the film industry, on the covers of the magazines of the game were by chance. I liked the chief editor "Karmageddon" – so why not squeeze it to the cover?! Somblodel the host of the review block from MDK, whispered in his ear the editor -in -chief in the tavern and shoved Hawkins, Hektik and Max on the cover. In those glorious years from domestic gaming journalists, almost no one could boast of the fact that he was in the studios of foreign developers, and the previews were written either on the basis of passing demo versions of games, or according to information excavated on the Internet.

But time passed, the situation changed, domestic game journalism developed, taught English, adopted the methods of the Western press and slowly understood that writing articles, taking facts from Western magazines and sites, unprofessional. To create good material, you need to communicate directly with the developers, forcefully shake out information from them, which no one else has.

The developers and publishers were not basting, quickly realizing how to get the benefits from the current situation. If journalists so desperately want live communication with developers and with the results of their work, then you can play. Just lure the press to yourself and get an article in the magazine in the end is very good, but much cooler if the game is on the cover.

[[Bullet]] The inhabitants of the editorial office. Passing by, everyone considers it his duty to overturn at least one with a click.

The authors of potentially cunning games, which are interested in a huge number of players and, accordingly, journalists, made a simple and logical move. They limited the amount of information issued to journalists, you live great, but began to invite to their office and literally fill up with exclusive editions that were ready to place the art in the game on their cover.

Nobody, of course, force anyone and does not stand with a knife by the throat. Do you want to feel the game a few months before the release? If you want to get a huge interview with the best developers? Equinuously for the cover. But if you do not want-you will only get a tiny interview and somehow later.

Per month of similar invitations with the condition of setting on the cover usually from zero (the least in the summer, when everyone rests) up to five to six. When there are no proposals, there really may be some very good game on the cover of the magazine, which was lucky enough to come out at that moment. At the rest of the time, we have to carefully choose which cover of the trip to agree-because we always want to convey to you the most fresh and relevant information. Preferences are usually given to world announcements (in this case there is an opportunity to write about the new game the first in the world), the early showing of the final versions of the games (in this case, the magazine may be released with a review of the game, which sometimes has not even begun to be sold), and if there are no such , then just the most interesting projects. Although it also happens that you can go to look at two approximately equal in the importance of the game. In this case, almost that you have not to throw a coin, although in reality everyone usually decides technical points – the ability to quickly make a visa to the right country, coincides the date of the trip with the deadlines for the delivery of the number, and sometimes the quality of the art, which can be placed (usually they say "to" put ") On the cover.

[[Bullet]] Test stand of the "Iron workshop".

Thank God, the developers and publishers do not atrocity and do not put the cover by a constant condition for all trips and interviews. In the vast majority of cases, it does without it. But the most-most is mined precisely according to this scheme. From the outside it may seem that it is terrible and put the press in unprofitable conditions. But there are elements of healthy competition. Offering trips “under the cover”, each publisher and developer tries to come up with the most profitable, most tidbits for the press. Show as much gameplay as possible, make a tour of the studio, give it not with one or two, but with a large number of developers, to invite some celebrities.

Art on cover

A separate conversation is a shell. There are a number of requirements for him. The most obvious – he must be beautiful. In this case, certain compositional rules must be observed. Best on the cover, the characters of the games close-up, captured at the time of some characteristic, easily recognizable action.

For example, on the cover of Gamery No. 2, for 2011, Grayson Hunt from Bulletstorm is depicted, which makes the movement of the foot; When looking at the cover, it seems that the hero marks a boot right in the watching. Or, for example, the cover of "Gambling" No. 5 for 2012: the Prophet shoots from onions, the mass of the dynamics, the image is felt in the image. These are examples of good, correct, memorable covers. But put on the cover some kind of landscape without characters, a lonely small space boat or, say, the image of some weapon is an unsuccessful choice. Such covers are completely not remembered, they look faded, and even on the counter merge with dozens of other magazines that are not related to games.

[[Bullet]] warning plate on the wall in the layout and design department.

A lot of incidents with covers happened over the long history of the existence of “gambling”. Sometimes the developers send the art at the last moment when the trip has already taken place, the article on the game is written, and now you are sitting, when they send a wonderful, beautiful image that will look amazing on the cover. And here – the basta of the peanuts! – Send such a thing that at least hang. It happened that it was time to change something, to redraw something, to somehow resolve the situation just did not have to. Visual examples of this-the cover on Risen from the October Gamery for 2008 and the Black OPS cover in 2010 (and after all in Activision there are a lot of excellent artists, but sometimes they give out this).

Woe from the mind

But it’s not enough to get a good art, you still need to create a beautiful cover. In “Gambling”, designer Roman Grynya is engaged in this responsible business for many years in a row. At the end of the fourth week of work on the number, the editor -in -chief prepares whistles – a text that will be placed on the cover (key games and announcements of important materials). The editors of sections sometimes arrange real battles – which game or article should certainly be on the cover. The place is not limitless, and everyone pulls the blanket in their heading.

The cover of "Gambling" No. 159. What she became ..

When the seni-seni are agreed and approved, the novel begins to distribute them by the cover, agreeing with the rules of style, logic, golden section, the great flood and unless not the devil’s line. If you make a mistake somewhere, it is wrong to put the inscriptions, take the inappropriate font, unsuccessfully choose colors-the cover of beautiful and memorable will turn into an amorphous something. The opposite is true: with a successful color scheme, competent placement of whistles and skillful font work, even from a terrible image, you can blindly melt a masterpiece, of course, but a completely tolerable cover.

The story that happened in 2010 immediately pops up in the memory during work on the December number of "Gambling". The Mortal Kombat logo flaunted on the castor of this issue, and about six months later, in the vote on the site, this cover was recognized as one of the best in the history of the magazine. But the fact is that initially it should have looked completely different. The studio sent many arts with a variety of heroes, there was Sonya, and Scorpio, and Sab-Ziro. And we are in the mode of the monstrous emergency – only two days remained before the number – we decided to create a conceptual cover. Style it under the screen of the hero from Mk. There are two selected characters on the sides, and in the center of the icon with affordable fighters. Only instead of the heroes of the game in these windows, the heroes of the games should have been located, according to which the room was Revoy and Preview.

… and what could it be (the version from the menu turned into a poster).

Drawn. It really looked like the same screen. But then it became obvious that as a cover the resulting image – a complete seam and failure. As an independent picture, joke, parody, cartoon – clings. Like a cover – categorically not. But there was almost no time left, before the number of the room a few hours. And here the idea is born whether to make a minimalist cover. Just put a large fiery logo of the game on a black background, and put the whistles-tanks finely and small at the very bottom.

The calculation was simple. Mortal Kombat has one of the most delightful and memorable logos in the gaming industry, and for many it also causes a lot of pleasant children's memories when they were cut on one keyboard in one of the first four “battalions”. Roma literally in fifteen minutes I realized the idea, and all the jaws reassured – it turned out so cool. So simple solutions often completely devote some complex ideas with the sediment. And the first cover option eventually became a poster and looked very harmonious in this hypostasis.

Uzdeski for leaks

Perhaps for a simple person who does not work in the game industry will be a revelation, but publishers and developers are terrible people. Despite the fact that one of their main goals is to tell about their game the maximum number of people, they manage to limit journalists literally in everything. A fair part of the time during work on the number goes to coordinate many little things. Often you have to sign NDA-non-disclosure agreements, non-disclosure agreements.

Designers ruin a ritual dance over a totem printing number, asking for more wounds of delivery of materials.

The conditions prescribed in these insidious pieces of paper can be the most incredible. From a logical and understandable ban on publishing information for some time (for games, which have not yet been officially announced, this is a prerequisite-usually the press is shown in advance, but you can write about it only after the publisher makes the announcement ) Before the requirements killing their absurdity, not to sign screenshots or in no case do a design for an article in a specific color scheme. Or, when it comes to getting to know the final version of the game before its official exit, they may not be required under any circumstances to mention in the article of some hero or a certain level. I do not agree – wait for the release and be late with the publication.

Once we tried to forbid us to take screenshots from the game, proposing to place in the article only images prepared by developers. Having familiarized himself with the proposed screenshots and realizing that these are renders (not just pictures from the game, but additionally processed in the editor and then look noticeably better than real images), we then abandoned the early publication with Revolution. But the fact remains: some publishers are trying to present their games in a more profitable light in such not quite honest ways.

Printing house in which the "gambling" is printed. Rolls with paper

Frankly comical stories occurred. Once, after meeting the alpha version of the game, we were very asked not to draw any analogies between the sound made by gaming weapons, and … let's say, by a natural act of gas production from the human body. At the same time, the weapon in the game shot normally, did not cause unnecessary associations, so the request looked doubly funny.

However, in most cases, both developers and publishers behave adequately, and the above examples are still an exception to the rules, and not the pattern. And NDA has not always been signed. Either very large publishing offices suffer from “paper paranoia” (they have everything put on stream and deviation from the rules is regarded as treason to the homeland), or novice developers who still do not know that in most cases you can agree on words.

Although there was at least one case in the history of Gambling, when the paper not signed in time saved us from unpleasant consequences. It was like that. We agreed to publish one important announcement – I downloaded it on the site, and then in the journal. Exactly everything was discussed, determined the date when the announcement is posted on the main page of the portal. And all this time we were promised to send a very strict NDA, which must be envious. We are waiting, time is running out, there are no papers. The cherished number comes, we immediately hang out the announcement at night. And in the afternoon they call us from the central office of the studio and begin to be wildly indignant that we leaked strategic information too early on the Internet, which we did not have the right to publish, that we will now be firmly taken by the gills and we will be forced to pay a huge fine on papers. We are at a loss, because we did everything by agreement. We send a letter to the studio where everything is recorded. And here it turns out that at the time of our publication in Russia, the agreed number has come, but they do not yet have. Nobody paid attention to this "trifle" at all. The most funny thing is that the papers that we never signed came literally in a day, but they also indicated time without reference to the region.

The konweight tape, along which magazine notebooks fly at high speed (notebook is sixteen magazine pages, it is from such blocks that the magazine is collected).

Another unpleasant case is associated with the leakage of the preliminary version of the game. The press of the whole world sent discs. Of course, everyone signed NDA. Further events developed according to the classical pirate scenario. The game even before the release pops up on torrents, the studio rises on his ears, tears his hair on his head, conducts an investigation on his own, after which he contacts us and declares that we allowed a leak, for which we will immediately punish. We know for sure that the disk of the editorial staff did not leave, and the people who he had in their hands could not merge the image on the Internet, so we demand evidence. The screenshots of a certain site are sent to us, where the game was first lit up. We look at the screenshots perplexedly and ask the developers why they decided that we were to blame for everything. Well, so, they answer us, you were the only publication in Russia to whom we provided a disk, and the site on which the download link was posted for the first time, you see which? Russian! So you are to blame!

It took us several hours to explain the studios that the use of the Cyrillic alphabet is not limited to the Russian language and that the pirate site is most likely Bulgarian. They stubbornly believed that the presence in the text of the characteristic symbols “Sh”, “С”, “y” and “inverted R” – unequivocally characterizes the site as Russian.

On the one hand, the creation of each issue of a magazine is a debugged, structured, subordinate process process. On the other hand, funny stories, incidents, absurdities, inconsistencies, misunderstandings, jokes, divorces and just humor – constant satellites of “gambling”. Surprises sometimes happen at the most inappropriate and crucial moment, and most importantly – they literally occur every number. So we live. It is possible that in the foreseeable future we will gather once again and tell you about the most cool events in the journal. Stay in touch.

The adventures of the article

Most articles of "gambling" overcome a long, multi-stage path from idea to PDF file. It looks something like this. First, someone (it is not necessarily the one who will then write and edit the text) an interesting idea appears. It is voiced, discussed, modified, transformed, metamorphized, except that it is not reincarnated and poured into a prefinal concept – a plan of future material. Sometimes this plan is quite material-written on a piece of paper from any of the editors on the table. Sometimes it's just a set of theses that the editor stores in his head.

[Bullet]] When the articles are recisted, they are printed, after that they are watched by the editor of the heading, which releases the chief editors. All of them make their editors and handles of different colors (if you watched PDF files, then send comments to the deputy chief editor). After that, errors are corrected by designers.

After that, preparation for writing begins. The author collects materials, is associated with various people from the gaming industry (and often very distant from it), takes interviews from them, and if necessary, agrees on a personal meeting; If we are talking about a review, then the game passes from beginning to end (and often at several levels of complexity). And only after all this he sits down to write an article. When, in his opinion, the material is ready, the author sends it to the editor. The editor watches the text, tears hair in all possible places, calls up with the author, explains to him how many structural, and possibly he made the actual errors, writes a ton of comments to the text and sends for refinement.

Between the author and the editor, the article can easily fly ten times (although it may not fly at all, if everything is fine in the text from the very beginning): the details will be clarified, some paragraphs will be added, the article can be replenished with new interviews and facts. In parallel, the material can go to the main editors and other editors so that they look at the text with a fresh look and say if everything is good in it. When the editor decided that the author was enough, he dug into the article and leads it to the final form. Firstly, the text edits, secondly, writes comments for the layout department-what the article should look like, in what stylistics it should be designed, what materials can and should be used for this, how best to place screenshots, which arrival art and a lot what else.

After that, a carefully prepared article is sent to the chief editor, who once again reads everything, brings his edits (if necessary, can again wrap the material), claims and sends Maria Lugovskaya corrector. Masha knows as many rules as all the editors of “gambling” do not know, taken together, and even in the simplest sentences sometimes finds monstrous mistakes that all missed her before. She also monitors compliance with all editorial standards in articles. If it weren’t for her keen eye, we wrote about Peter Moline on one page, on the other about Peter Moline, and somewhere else about the mulin, because in every issue of the magazine hundreds of different names and names are mentioned. And they need to write them uniformly.

When Masha read the text several times and corrected everything that was possible in it, she sends it to the releasing editor Nadia Nadoder or immediately to the chief editor, who lay out the article on our internal server and add all the necessary screenshots and pictures there, sorting them along the folders along the folders with special names, so that it is easier for designers to navigate. After that, a note "can" is made in the number of the room. From this moment, our designers come into business – Misha Karasev and Zhenya Zagatin. They read the comments of the editors and draw their design for each article or, if the heading involves a typical design, they will beautifully compose the text inside an existing layout.

In the fourth week of work on the number, already sparkled materials are carefully checked by the editors of the headings releasing both the editor-in-chief, and only passing this shuttle, the articles are converted (the layouts say “expelled”) in the final PDF files that are poured on the printing server of the printing house.

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